Welcome to HY-G Gold
Ultra Fine Gold Centrifuge Testing
Centrifuge concentration is the most effective and economical process to recover fine Gold and turn a low-grade ore deposit into a profitable operation. Services include:
Independent lab testing with mineral centrifuges for the recovery of fine Gold and other precious metals in Placer and Lode deposits.
27 years of operational experience running Falcon, Knelson and Hy-g centrifuges.
Metal in hand assay results for Au and XRF analysis available for PGM's and Rare Earth Elements.
Commercial unit recommendations based on unbiased test results of your ore.
Note: All test work will be done by owner and the results are kept confidential.
Centrifuge Testing and Analysis
Centrifuge gravity concentration is a very effective method to recover 20 micron (635 mesh) gold particles previously lost to tailings. We have the experience and knowledge to help you determine if centrifuge recovery is the right method for your deposit. We can test a small "Blended" sample of your ore and often determine the feasibility and profitability of centrifuge recovery for your mining operation. We invite our customers to come to our facility and see the process and results.

Year Established
Years Designing
Years Operating Experience

For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: (210) 624-8713 or fill out the following form:
Head Office
Phone: Wally Henderson (210) 624-8713
Website: hy-ggold.com
Email: wally@hy-ggold.com
Hy-G and the Hy-G Logo are Registered Trademarks of Hy-G Gold LLC.
Unauthorized use is an Infringement of Trademark and Proprietary Rights